
100 random things...why not

I had some extra time on my hands last night while I was sitting around the house before I headed to a friends house to forget that my child wasn't home, so here you have it...100 random things about me, cause I love randomness!!!

1. I hate being on the outside of an "inside" joke.

2. I am in love with Jeff Dunham...never gets old.

3. I have the coldest nose...seriously, always cold.

4. I hate that I have a closet full of shoes, yet I wear my boots, running shoes and flip flops more than anything. I feel like I wasted money.

5. I love buying fun things for my friends that remind me of them.

6. I sing...all the time...even though I can't carry a tune.

7. Pinterst is one of my favorite things...addicted.

8. I NEVER wear lipstick.

9. I hate that I don't decorate for holidays....but I'm working on it.

10. I love my family...my world revolves around those I love.

11. I know that Heavenly Father loves me.

12. I'm glad I have the friends I have...still amazes me.

13. I don't understand why I picked my major in college...I take that back...I do know...but I wish I had chosen something different...but then I wouldn't have met Britton...and she's amazing...so nevermind...my major is fine.

14. I love snow cones.

15. I have my mom's forehead....nose...smile...yeah, pretty much everything...no question I belong to her.

16. I love watching "The Bachelor & The Bachelorette," love it! Yes, my mom taught me better.

17. I wish I were a professional photographer...I would have so many more pictures of E if I was good at it.

18. I love making and keeping friends...I love people...I talk to random people...however, I'm uber quiet around people I know I'll have to see again...weird.

19. I am extremely OCD....and when I feel like I can't control something I feel like crying.

20. I am not intimidated easily...you wouldn't know that though.

21. I am NOT a butt kisser...don't mistake my kindness for this...I was raised well by my mother.

22. If I don't like someone, they usually know it...I'm horrible at "faking it"

23. I could eat green peppers all the time...my favorite veggie!

24. My kid cracks me up...I need to start writing down what he says.

25. I wish I had my friend K's legs...those suckers go on for DAYS!

26. I am in love with the snickers commercials...hilarious...at least to me.

27. I wish I could stop buying socks...I have a ton of themed socks...and only about a dozen white socks....and yes, I wore the zebra knee highs with my capris JUST to embarrass my sister...serves her right for calling me dorky...she's lucky I didn't wear my flip flops too ;o)

28. I love movies...although now I have a slightly skewed view on what life should actually be like...

29. I scratch my head all the time...not because it itches...I just like the feeling.

30. I always wanted my name to be Samantha growing up...no clue why....but I'm in love with my name now...the whole thing...especially my middle and last name...if I ever get married I'm not sure I'll change my last name...I love it too much.

31. I hate when I can't fix things myself...calling a professional is always a last resort.

32. I've never dated a guy that didn't drive a truck.

33. I've only dated 4 guys in my life...and I can't decide if that's cool or dorky...

34. My mothers quirks secretly make me happy.

35. I hate that I have sensitive ears....I LOVE earrings.

36. My sister could beat the crap out of me...yet she's refrained for so many years...

37. I'm allergic to Spring...all of it...I love not being able to smell anything for 3 whole months. :::insert sarcasm:::

38. I get my lefts and rights mixed up all of the time.

39. I seriously have the cutest child ever...melts my heart just to look at him.

40. I wish I knew how to play tennis...it looks so fun.

41. I love my laugh...snort and all...but it's dorky so I'll tell you I hate it...but I love it...because it's mine.

42. I love E's laugh more...it's so innocent and genuine.

43. I am easily entertained...but that's totally obvious.

44. I repeat random things...it's one of my New Year's resolutions to quit...it's starting to drive me nuts.

45. I am a bit of a control freak....although I'm learning to relax and just let things happen...good or bad.

46. I love when my brother's tell me they love me...they're "Men" so it's so few and far between that I'm on a complete high when they blurt it out :::eeeep:::

47. I look forward to having one of those motorized wheelchairs when I get older...heck yes.

48. I get self conscious when I'm not even trying to impress anyone.

49. I say a prayer everytime I see a helicopter, an ambulance, or a firetruck.

50. I like cookie dough better than cooked cookies...my hips can confirm that.

51. If I won the lottery I would still work...maybe just part time though.

52. I have been blessed with a strong family.

53. I wear my feelings on my sleeve...and can be completely naive at times...all the time actually.

54. I have a lot of moles...I'm Swedish...I got the blonde hair and moles...coulda used the boobs though!

55. I love them because my mom always told me they were beauty marks.

56. I drive slow...especially when I'm carrying special cargo.

57. I was subpeonaed to testify during a divorce when I was 16 years old...most uncomfortable day of my life.

58. I don't understand Scientology at all.

59. I love pretzels and diet coke.

60. I've always felt like my lucky number was 116...but really it's just my birthday and I love it.

61. I was convinced I was going to marry an ex because our birthdays were both 11681...mine in January and his in November.

62. I choose to be in denial at times...ignorance really can be bliss at times.

63. I've replaced all my swear words with code words so E doesn't learn the real ones...he may go to school saying "marsha farsha"...but at least he won't be saying mother effer...I'm smart like that.

64. My child may or may not get his dorkiness from me...I'll never tell...

65. I love going to lunch with my friends.

66. I miss my 96 Honda like you wouldn't believe.

67. I loved growing up in Stillwater.

68. I think about moving out of Stillwater daily though.

69. I can stress out over something to the point where I feel like vomitting.

70. I am not good at come backs...After the Fact Cara should REALLY be my nickname.

71. I skipped my 10 yr high school reunion.

72. I think my feet are cute...even though I hate that they're so big!...size 10...bleh

73. I never thought I had a specific "type" of guy I was attracted to...until recently.

74. I try hard to hide when I'm sad...there are about 3 people who can flat out tell without me saying a word...they just know...and I love them for knowing me that well.

75. My sister is one of those people...and I love her more than anything because although I'm 30 yrs old...if I'm crying she always asks if I want her to jump in her car and come to me...she lives 10 hrs away...I love her. LOVE her.

76. I hate when I have something really important to tell someone and I forget the second I see them.

77. I am not a fan of hairy men.

78. To this day I regret quitting piano.

79. I love when people can make me laugh...it's such a good feeling.

80. I want a tattoo so badly...but I know I'd regret it the second I couldn't wash it off.

81. I was told I would quit growing at 5' 5"...I'm 5' 8"...yup, I always do what I'm not supposed to do...

82. I hate when I can't find pants long enough.

83. I wish I didn't know some of the things I know about some people...just saying.

84. I get motion sickness bad...to the point that watching my child spin makes me sick.

85. I wish I had more time to read.

86. I hate driving through Kansas...the wind is ridiculous.

87. I seriously can't get enough of Jeff Dunham....I'm watching him now...

88. I have the smallest bladder ever...road trips are uber fun with me.

89. I am so proud of my mother, my sister, and my brothers....they amaze me...and they deserve great things.

90. I have a slight addiction/love affair with my chapstick.

91. I hate that I caved and let E watch movies in the car...daycare is only 1/2 mile from our house...and he HAS to have the darn thing on.

92. I love being a mom....even on my worst days.

93. Sometimes I'm tempted to ask people if they looked in the mirror before they left their house...I refrain because I'm sure people want to ask me the same thing on occasion.

94. I hate getting ready for the day...it just takes forever.

95. I don't like talking on the phone...texting is so much easier with a toddler.

96. I use sunglasses more as a headband than actual glasses.

97. I hate folding laundry..I'd hang everything up if I could.

98. I do not get embarrassed easily...I do way too many embarrassing things to let it bother me too much.

99. I do not get offended easily...really...I don't.

100. I wish my friends and family could see what I see when I look at them...they are more beautiful, and caring, and amazing than they will ever realize.

There you have it. Hope you enjoyed!!!

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